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Search results (833)

  • 2016 | HC/E/CA 1369 | CANADA - ONTARIO | Appellate Court
    Balev v. Baggott, 2016 ONCA 680
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Objections of the Child to a Return - Art. 13(2)


    Appeal allowed, return ordered


    3 12 13(2)


    2 children wrongfully retained at ages 11 and 8 - Nationals of Canada - Married parents - Father national of Canada - Mother national of Canada - Father transferred physical custody in a notarised letter to the mother for the period April 2013 to August 2014, to allow the children to enroll in a  Canadian school - Children lived in Germany until April 2013 - Application for return filed with the Superior Court of Justice (Family Court Branch) in June 2014 - Return ordered - Main issues: habitual residence, rights of custody, objections of the child to return - A parent cannot unilaterally change the habitual residence of a child during a time-limited period of consensual stay in another State agreed to by the other parent - Contemplation of an extension of such a period of consensual stay does not defeat its time-limited nature - Evidence of the child settling in his new environment is irrelevant if the application for return is brought within one year of the removal or retention - Where rights of custody have been transferred by one parent to another for the sole purpose of enrolling children in school in a given State, the parent who transferred those rights exercises them when the taking parent refuses to return the child, or would have exercised them but for the removal or retention - A child’s objection to return that is unsubstantial or merely expresses a preference for one place over another is insufficient grounds for refusing to order return under Art. 13(2) of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention

  • 2017 | HC/E/JP 1430 | JAPAN | Appellate Court
    2017 (Ra) No. 525 Appeal case against an order to return the child
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b)


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 4 13(1)(a)


    1 child (national of Japan and the United States) removed from the United States to Japan ― Father a United States national, mother a Japanese national ― Parents married in Japan in 2012 and lived together with the mother’s son from her previous marriage ― The family moved to the United States in 2014 ― Upon becoming pregnant, the mother went back to Japan with her son in 2015 ― Mother returned to the United States with the new-born child in 2016 ― Father petitioned for divorce and obtained a provisional ne exeat order ― Mother moved to a shelter with the child within the United States ― Father had frequent access to the child, but contact broke up after an argument between the parents ― Mother removed the child to Japan in 2016 ― Obtaining assistance of the Central Authority of Japan in 2016, Father petitioned to the Osaka Family Court for return of the child in 2017 ― Return ordered ― Appeal to the Osaka High Court dismissed and return ordered in 2017 ― Main issues: Habitual Residence of the child ― Actual exercise of rights of custody ― Grave Risk for the child.

  • 2014 | HC/E/DK 1432 | DENMARK | Appellate Court
    U.2014.1295Ø – TFA.445/1OE / nr. B-3977-13
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Objections of the Child to a Return - Art. 13(2)


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 12 13(1)(b) 13(2)


    The City Court (first instance) determined that the child was living in Poland before the removal and that a return to Poland would not harm the child. Therefore, the removal/retention was wrongful and that the child should go back to the mother in Poland.

    The Eastern High Court (second instance) upheld the decision.

  • 2016 | HC/E/IT 1371 | ITALY | Superior Appellate Court
    Corte di Cassazione, sezione I civile, sentenza 15 Luglio 2016, n. 18846
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    Objections of the Child to a Return - Art. 13(2)


    Case remitted to lower court


    3 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 13(2)


    1 child allegedly wrongfully retained at age 10 - National of United States of America and Italy - Divorced parents - Joint custody - Child lived in the United States until the second half of 2015 - Application for return filed on 21 October 2015 - Return refused - Main issues: Objection of the child to return - Due weight should be given to the child’s opinion where the child is considered to have attained an appropriate age and degree of maturity, even if certain aspects of the child’s opinion are considered to be imprecise

  • 1992 | HC/E/IL 1480 | ISRAEL | First Instance
    Foxman v Foxman
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    Interpretation of the Convention | Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Objections of the Child to a Return - Art. 13(2)


    Return ordered


    3 13(1)(b) 13(2)


    The judge ordered that the children should be returned to Quebec within 14 days.

  • 2020 | HC/E/CA 1494 | CANADA - ONTARIO | Appellate Court
    Farsi v. Da Rocha, 2020 ONCA 92
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3


    Appeal dismissed, return refused




    Appeal dismissed, return refused. The child was habitually resident in Canada.

  • 2016 | HC/E/EC 1517 | ECUADOR | Appellate Court
    A. C. C. s/ Restitución Internacional
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Settlement of the Child - Art. 12(2) | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Procedural Matters |


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    1 3 5 12 13(1)(b)


    Wrongful retention of the child – Separated parents – Custody rights were jointly exercised – The child lived in Spain until 11 August 2014 – The request for return was filed before the Central Authority in Spain in September 2014 – Return ordered – Main issues: habitual residence, removal and retention, settlement of the child, art. 13(1)(b) grave risk exception, procedural matters – The habitual residence of the child prior to the wrongful removal was in Spain – There was wrongful retention in breach of the custody rights, which were exercised jointly pursuant to the agreement signed by the mother and father – The settlement of the child was not considered because the one-year period required by the Convention had not elapsed – The evidence did not contribute to determining whether there had been sexual abuse; on the contrary, a true demonstration of the risk was necessary to justify the application of article 13(1)(b) - The Central Authority of Spain was urged to take measures to protect the child and to do a follow-up on the case to provide the father with the necessary legal support.

  • 2012 | HC/E/FR 1156 | FRANCE | Superior Appellate Court |
    Cass Civ 1ère, 14 mars 2012, N° de pourvoi 11-17.011
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3




    Appeal allowed, quashing and annulment of the ruling dismissing the application for the children's return and referral of the case to the Paris Court of Appeal to act upon the return application in the light of the Supreme Court's ruling.

  • 2012 | HC/E/AT 1161 | AUSTRIA | Superior Appellate Court |
    1Ob254/11a, Oberster Gerichtshof
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    Jurisdiction Issues - Art. 16 | Brussels IIa Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003)




    Appeal inadmissible: there had been no manifest error.

  • 2018 | HC/E/UA 1397 | UKRAINE | Superior Appellate Court
    Hague return case from Ukraine to the United Kingdom No 2-4237/12
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    Aims of the Convention - Preamble, Arts 1 and 2 | Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Jurisdiction Issues - Art. 16 | European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)


    Return ordered


    2 3 5 8 12 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 16 19 20 12(1)


    1 child wrongfully retained at age 6 months - National of United Kingdom and Ukraine - Married parents- Father national of the United Kingdom - Mother national of Ukraine – Applicant father had joint custody with respondent mother under British legislation – Child lived in the United Kingdom until 11 April 2012 -Application for return filed with the courts of Ukraine on 19 December 2012 - Return ordered on 29 August 2018 - Main issues: Articles 5 and 12 of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (a parent cannot independently decide to change the child’s place of habitual residence; the place of habitual residence is of major importance to restoring of the status quo for the child; first instance court and appeal court incorrectly interpreted exceptions for non-return of a child as a settlement in new environment, acquiescence in the retention and grave risk to return).

  • 2015 | HC/E/NO 1400 | NORWAY | Appellate Court
    Case no. LB-2015-76479
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Objections of the Child to a Return - Art. 13(2) | Settlement of the Child - Art. 12(2)


    Appeal allowed, return ordered


    3 13(1)(b) 13(2)


    1 child wrongfully removed at age 7 – National of Poland –unmarried parents– Father national of Poland – Mother national of Poland – Disputed custody rights– Child lived in Poland until August 2014 – Application for return filed with the Central Authority of Poland in September 2014 – Return ordered – Main issues: Article 3 – Rights of custody –  the father had limited custody rights but these extended to the right to decide the child’s habitual residence and therefore the father had rights of custody within the meaning of the Convention; Article 13(1)(b) – Grave risk of harm - there were no grounds for concluding that return would be “clearly unfavourable to the child” or that he would most likely suffer harm if returned. Therefore the exception did not apply; Article 13 – Child’s objections - the fact that the child  said he wanted to live with his mother  was not a ground for concluding that the child was opposed to returning to Poland, therefore the exception did not apply.

  • 2009 | HC/E/AT 1033 | AUSTRIA | Superior Appellate Court |
    1Ob163/09s, Oberster Gerichtshof
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Procedural Matters


    3 5 13(1)(b)


    Appeal declared inadmissible.

  • 2010 | HC/E/FR 1036 | FRANCE | Superior Appellate Court
    Cass Civ 1ère 20 janvier 2010, N° de pourvoi 08-18085
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Jurisdiction Issues - Art. 16


    3 13(1)(b) 16


    Appeal dismissed; the arguments put forward by the mother were rejected.

  • 2009 | HC/E/FR 1032 | FRANCE | Superior Appellate Court |
    Cass Civ 1ère 17 Juin 2009, N° de pourvoi 07-16427
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b)


    3 13(1)(b)


    Appeal dismissed. The Court of Appeal had decided with good reason that the retention was wrongful and suitably noted that it had not been established that the Article 13 grounds for exception were applicable.

  • 2017 | HC/E/JP 1526 | JAPAN | Appellate Court
    2016 (Ra) No. 1262 Appeal case against dismissal of case seeking return of a child
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 |


    Appeal dismissed, return refused




    1 child (Australian and Japanese national) resided in Australia and Japan ― Father Australian national, mother Japanese national ― Parents married in 2013 in Australia ― Parents lived together in Japan from November 2013 until June 2014, until the father returned to Australia ― Mother joined Father in Australia from September 2014 until October 2015, with a written agreement to reside there only up to two years ― Mother returned to Japan with the child in October 2015 ― Father visited them in Japan from mid-December 2015 until mid-January 2016 ― Father filed petition for the child’s return to the Osaka Family Court in March 2016 ― Petition dismissed ― Appeal dismissed and return refused by the Osaka High Court in 2017 ― Main issue: Habitual residence of the child.

  • 2010 | HC/E/CH 1323 | European Court of Human Rights (ECrtHR) |
    Neulinger and Shuruk v. Switzerland (Application No 41615/07), Grand Chamber
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) | Procedural Matters


    3 13(1)(b)


    The European Court of Human Rights held by sixteen votes to one that, in the event of the enforcement of the return order, there would be a violation of the mother and child's right to family life under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

  • 2006 | HC/E/UKe 880 | UNITED KINGDOM | Superior Appellate Court |
    Re D. (A Child) (Abduction: Rights of Custody) [2006] UKHL 51
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Article 15 Decision or Determination | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Objections of the Child to a Return - Art. 13(2) | Human Rights - Art. 20 | Rights of Access - Art. 21


    Appeal allowed, application dismissed


    3 12 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 13(2) 15 20 21 13(3)


    Appeal allowed and application dismissed; the inferior courts had erred in rejecting the determination of the Romanian courts pursuant to Article 15; under Romanian law the father had no rights of custody for Convention purposes therefore the removal of the child was not wrongful.

  • 2019 | HC/E/RU 1419 | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | European Court of Human Rights (ECrtHR)
    VLADIMIR USHAKOV v. RUSSIA (Application no. 15122/17)
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    ECrtHR - Violation of Article 8 ECHR, award of damages


    3 13(1)(b)


    1 child wrongfully removed at age 2 – National of Russia – Divorced parents – Mother national of Russia – Finnish court ordered joint custody and child should live with the applicant– Child lived in Finland February 2015  – Application for return filed with the Dzerzhinskiy District Court of St Petersburg, Russia, on 6 August 2015  – Return refused on appeal to St Petersburg City Court on 3 February 2016 before application to ECtHR– Violation of Art. 8 ECHR – 23 050 EUR awarded in damages – the interpretation and application of the provisions of the Hague Convention by the St Petersburg City Court failed to secure the guarantees of Article 8 and Russia failed to comply with its positive obligations under Article 8 of the Convention to secure to the applicant the right to respect for his family life.

  • 2019 | HC/E/SV 1422 | EL SALVADOR | Appellate Court
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Consent - Art. 13(1)(a) | Procedural Matters


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 5 8 12 13(1)(a) 16


    Appeal refused; return allowed. It was settled that the retention was wrongful.

  • 2010 | HC/E/CA 1124 | CANADA | First Instance |
    Ryan v. Ryan
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b)


    Return ordered


    3 4 5 12 13(1)(b) 16 19


    Retention wrongful and return ordered; Article 13(1)(b) had not been proved to the standard required under the Convention.