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Search results (161)

  • 2012 | HC/E/GR 1285 | GREECE | Appellate Court |
    Court of Appeal of Thessaloniki (????????? ??????? ????????????), decision 1453, 2 July 2012
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    Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Objections of the Child to a Return - Art. 13(2)


    Appeal allowed, return refused


    3 5 11 12 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 13(2) 14 13(3)


    Appeal upheld and return refused; the retention was wrongful, but a return to Germany would expose the children to a grave risk of physical, and most importantly, psychological harm.  In addition, it was proven that the children, who possessed the necessary age and maturity, objected to being returned to Germany.

  • 2008 | HC/E/AT 928 | AUSTRIA | Superior Appellate Court
    1Ob167/08b, Oberster Gerichtshof
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Article 15 Decision or Determination


    Appeal allowed, return refused


    3 5


    Appeal allowed, return refused: the removal of the children was not wrongful.

  • 2012 | HC/E/FR 1215 | FRANCE | Appellate Court |
    CA Versailles, 6 décembre 2012, No de RG 12/06508
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    Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Procedural Matters


    Appeal allowed, return refused


    3 5 12 13(1)(b)

  • 2016 | HC/E/FR 1374 | FRANCE | Superior Appellate Court
    Cass Civ 1ère, 07/12/2016, Z c. Y, N. 16-21760
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3


    Appeal allowed, return refused


    1 3 5


    1 child allegedly wrongfully removed at age 11 – Divorced parents – Father national of France and Morocco – Mother national of France – Full custody rights automatically awarded to the mother after the divorce under Moroccan law – Child lived in Morocco until October 2014 – Application for return filed with the Juge aux affaires familiales of France in December 2014 – Return refused – Main issue: Rights of custody – Rights of custody, including in particular the right to determine the child’s place of residence, has to be determined in accordance with the law of the State where the child had his habitual residence immediately before the removal

  • 2010 | HC/E/CA 1421 | CANADA - ONTARIO | First Instance
    J.D. v. P.D., 2010 ONCJ 410
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Undertakings


    Return ordered with undertakings offered


    3 4 5 12 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 16


    3 children wrongfully removed at age 7 – Father national of the United Kingdom and Canada – Mother national of the United Kingdom and Canada – Both parents had rights of custody under the law of Scotland – Children lived in the United Kingdom until August 2009 – Application for return filed with the Central Authority of the Scotland on 20 October 2009 – Return ordered – Main issue(s): Rights of custody – Art. 3 – Father had rights of custody under the law of Scotland; there was no court order restricting his rights as a parent – Removal & Retention – Arts 3 and 12 – Children wrongfully removed, in breach of the father’s custody rights and without his consent. The father was exercising his rights despite the child protection investigation – Grave Risk – Art. 13(1)(b) –There is no grave risk. Social service agencies and court in Scotland will protect the children upon their return – Undertakings – Undertakings imposed to assist the return and to protect the children in the transitional period before the court in Scotland takes over. 

  • 2013 | HC/E/GE 1425 | GEORGIA | First Instance
    The return of a wrongfully retained minor to the Republic of Cyprus (Case No. 2 / 104-13
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    Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b)


    Return ordered


    1 2 3 4 5 12 13(1)(a)


    Child wrongfully retained at age 12 – Citizen of Georgia – Divorced parents – Father national of Georgia – Mother national of Greece – Parents had joint custody – Child lived in Cyprus from 2008 until August 2012 – Application for return was filed with the Central Authority on 18 December 2012 – Main issue: Article 3 – the child’s State of habitual residence was Cyprus and there was no evidence to support the use of one of the exceptions to return under the 1980 Convention.

  • 2016 | HC/E/CH 1442 | SWITZERLAND | Superior Appellate Court
    Decision of the Federal Supreme Court 5A_293/2016 of 8 August 2016
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Consent - Art. 13(1)(a) | Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b)


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    1 3 4 5 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b)


    Two children wrongfully removed at ages nine and seven – Married parents – Shared parental custody – Children lived in Spain until 5 February 2016 – Application for return filed with the courts of Switzerland on 17 February 2016 –Application dismissed – Main issue(s): Habitual residence - is understood to mean the actual centre of the child's life, which is determined by the factual circumstances; Consent - the departure of the spouse does not require any approval by the other; the only thing requiring approval is the change of the children's place of residence abroad; Grave risk - must be interpreted restrictively: meaning a serious danger, initial language and reintegration difficulties typically do not constitute a serious danger.

  • 2019 | HC/E/ZA 1452 | SOUTH AFRICA | First Instance
    The Chief Family Advocate of the Republic of South Africa as represented by Mr Keuben Gounden v IRRJ, Case No: EL 528/2019 1730/2019
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Consent - Art. 13(1)(a)


    Return ordered


    3 5 12 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 20


    The Court found that the retention of the children in South Africa was wrongful and ordered their return to New Zealand.

  • 1994 | HC/E/CA 766 | CANADA | First Instance |
    Spini v. Spini, [1994] N.B.J. No. 567 (Q.L.)
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    Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Rights of Custody - Art. 3


    Return ordered


    3 5 12 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 13(2) 16 13(3)


    Return ordered; the retention was wrongful and none of the exceptions had been proved to the standard required under the Convention.

  • 2005 | HC/E/FR 889 | FRANCE | Superior Appellate Court |
    Cass Civ 1ère, 14 décembre 2005, No de RG 05-12934
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b)


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 5 13(1)(b)


    Challenge rejected and return order confirmed. The removal was wrongful and the court of appeal had correctly found the Article 13(1)(b) exception to be inapplicable.

  • 2012 | HC/E/DE 1358 | CANADA - BRITISH COLUMBIA | Appellate Court
    Johnson v. Jessel, 2012 BCCA 393
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 5 15


    2 children wrongfully removed at ages 5 and 6 – Unmarried parents – After separation the mother obtained an ex parte interim order granting her sole custody – Children lived in Canada until July 2011 – Application for return filed with the Central Authority of Germany on 15 June 2012  - British Columbia Supreme Court issued a decision / declaration under Art. 15 of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention that the removal was wrongful on 9 July 2012 - Return ordered by the German Court of Schleswig on 23 July 2012 – Main issue: rights of custody – While a final determination of custody has yet to be made but custody has been awarded on an interim basis, the court retains rights of custody within the meaning of the Convention – This principle is not affected by the absence of a non-removal clause in an interim order  

  • 2015 | HC/E/USf 1383 | UNITED STATES - FEDERAL JURISDICTION | First Instance
    Sabogal v. Velarde, 106 F. Supp. 3d 689 (2015)
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Undertakings


    Return ordered subject to undertakings


    1 3 5 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 20


    2 children wrongfully removed (born in 2005 and 2007) - Separated parents - The Purvian courts had effectively granted temporary custody to the mother on 21 November 2013, and then to the father on 1 October 2014 (following the removal)  - Children lived in Peru until 20 February 2014 - Application for return filed with the District Court on 17 February 2015 - Return ordered subject to undertakings - Main issues: rights of custody, Art.13(1)(b) "grave risk" exception to return, undertakings - A very severe degree of psychological abuse is sufficient to conclude that the Art. 13(1)(b) "grave risk" exception to return under the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention applies, even in cases in which there is very little or no evidence of physical abuse

  • 2013 | HC/E/DO 1338 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Superior Appellate Court |
    G. M. c. V. M. de H. s/ reintegro de hijo
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Procedural Matters


    Appeal allowed, return ordered


    3 5 13(1)(b)


    Appeal allowed, return ordered. The retention was considered wrongful. The appeal was considered unfounded and lacking any legal basis since the mother had not demonstrated the existence of substantive or procedural errors which would have served as a basis to overturn the decision that ordered the return.

  • 2017 | HC/E/FR 1346 | FRANCE | Superior Appellate Court
    Cass Civ 1ère, 4 mai 2017, No de pourvoi 17-11031
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Human Rights - Art. 20


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 5 13(1)(b)


    1 child wrongfully removed at age 6 - Divorced parents - Mother a national of France and Israel - Mother had custody, father extensive access rights - Child lived in Israel until summer 2015 - Return proceedings initiated in March 2016 - Return ordered - Main issues: rights of custody, Art. 13(1)(b) grave risk exception to return, human rights - A parent has "rights of custody" under the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention if he has extensive access rights and the right to consent to change of the child's residence - The Art. 13(1)(b) grave risk exception of the Convention does not apply where the child would have access to satisfcatory treatment for an illness in the State of habitual residence

  • 2011 | HC/E/CH 1086 | SWITZERLAND | Superior Appellate Court |
    5A_27/2011, II. zivilrechtliche Abteilung, arrêt du TF du 21 février 2011
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Acquiescence - Art. 13(1)(a) | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Issues Relating to Return | Procedural Matters


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 5 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 26


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered. The removal was wrongful and none of the exceptions invoked was applicable.

  • 1996 | HC/E/DE 573 | GERMANY |
    Bundesverfassungsgericht, 2BvR 1075/96, 15 August 1996
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    Human Rights - Art. 20


    3 5 12 13(1)(b) 14 15 12(2) 12(1)


    Appeal inadmissible for being manifestly unfounded. None of Arts. 3, 12, 13(1)(b) and 14 is inconsistent with the German Constitution, and neither their interpretation nor their application by the Court of Appeal was inconsistent with the Constitution.

  • 2008 | HC/E/CA 1126 | CANADA | First Instance |
    Suarez v. Carranza, 2008 BCSC 1187
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    Habitual Residence - Art. 3 | Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b) | Undertakings


    Return ordered subject to undertakings


    3 5 12 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 14


    Removal wrongful and return ordered; Article 13(1)(b) had not been proved to the standard required under the Convention.

  • 2018 | HC/E/CH 1537 | SWITZERLAND | Superior Appellate Court
    Decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court 5A_576/2018 of the 31st of July 2018
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    Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 |


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 5 13(1)(a) 13(1)(b) 12(2) 12(1)


    one child wrongfully retained between age 4 and 5– National of unknown –unmarried parents – Father national of unknown – Mother national of unknown – Shared parental responsibility – Child lived in Portugal until 10 March 2017 – Application for return filed with the courts of Switzerland on 23 April 2018 – Return ordered – Main issue: Removal and Retention – The father could not prove that the mother had given her consent for the child to remain in Switzerland and the mother filed an appeal within the one year period set out in Article 12.

  • 2009 | HC/E/AU 1018 | NEW ZEALAND | Appellate Court |
    Fairfax v. Ireton [2009] 3 NZLR 289
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    Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Article 15 Decision or Determination


    Article 15 declaration granted


    3 5 15


    Appeal allowed; article 15 declaration granted.  The applicant father was considered to hold rights of custody under New Zealand law.

  • 2011 | HC/E/FR 1170 | FRANCE | Appellate Court |
    CA Angers, 1 décembre 2011, No de RG 11/00401
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    Removal and Retention - Arts 3 and 12 | Rights of Custody - Art. 3 | Grave Risk - Art. 13(1)(b)


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered


    3 4 5 12 13(1)(b)


    Appeal dismissed, return ordered. The removal was wrongful and none of the exceptions raised applied.