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Case Name

5A_716/2012, IIe cour civile, arrêt du TF du 3 décembre 2012

INCADAT reference

HC/E/CH 1222





Tribunal fédéral, IIe Cour de droit civile


Superior Appellate Court

Hohl (présidente), Marazzi et Herrmann

States involved

Requesting State


Requested State




3 December 2013




Procedural Matters



HC article(s) Considered


HC article(s) Relied Upon


Other provisions
Swiss Act on the Federal Court (LTF); Swiss Federal Act on International Child Abduction and the Hague Conventions on the Protection of Children and Adults (LF-EEA)
Authorities | Cases referred to
ATF 134 V 138 consid. 1.1 p. 140 s.; 134 I 159 consid. 1.1 p. 160; arrêt 5D_86/2012 du 14 septembre 2012 consid. 1; ATF 133 III 584 consid. 1.2 p. 584 s., 120 II 222 consid. 2b p. 224; arrêts 5A_537/2012 du 20 septembre 2012 consid. 1, 5A_479/2012 du 13 juillet 2012 consid. 1; arrêts 5A_537/2012 du 20 septembre 2012 consid. 1 5A_479/2012 du 13 juillet 2012 consid. 1, 5A_346/2012 du 12 juin 2012 co
Published in


INCADAT comment

Implementation & Application Issues

Procedural Matters


Summary available in EN | FR


The case concerned two children removed by their mother from Italy to Switzerland. On 5 July 2012, the father applied for return to the canton Court of Neuchâtel. On 11 August, the mother informed the court that she was in Italy with her children. On 13 August, the President of the Court of protection for children and adults informed the parties that the return proceedings had become pointless.

The next day, the father admitted that this was the case. He applied for an indemnity for costs of CHF 3,000, and reimbursement of travel expenses. On 30 August 2012, the President of the Court of protection for children and adults (Cour des mesures de protection des enfants et des adultes) ordered dismissal of the case, left the costs to be borne by the State and held the mother liable to pay CHF 1,000 to the father. The mother appealed against the award of an expenses indemnity.


Partial appeal dismissed insofar as it was admissible; award of a low indemnity for costs against the mother upheld.


Procedural Matters

The Federal Tribunal noted that the appeal related to an accessory matter, which accordingly needed to be determined according to the merits of the dispute. As the issue on the merits, non-pecuniary in nature, had become irrelevant, the civil appeal relating to costs and expenses was admissible regardless of the amount in dispute.

The appeal memoranda were required in principle to contain pleadings, but the mother's brief was sufficient to determine her intentions. The Tribunal pointed out that a civil appeal could be lodged on the basis of breach of the law, which the Federal Tribunal applies sua sponte.

It pointed out that the appeal related to an indemnity for costs payable to the father and to be borne by the mother in a case of international abduction, whereas the return proceedings had been dismissed for having become pointless. The Canton Authority had considered that the case was to be liquidated free of charge under Article 14 of the Federal Act on International Child Abduction and the Hague Conventions on the Protection of Children and Adults (LF-EEA) and Article 26 of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, but had considered that the father, who had prevailed, was entitled to costs (Art. 26(4)).

Only one of the mother's pleas was admissible: the objection that the Canton Court had breached the aforementioned provisions by failing to take into account the facts of the case. In this respect, the Federal Tribunal pointed out that under Article 26(2): "Central Authorities and other public services of Contracting States shall not impose any charges in relation to applications submitted under this Convention.

In particular, they may not require any payment from the applicant towards the costs and expenses of the proceedings or, where applicable, those arising from the participation of legal counsel". The Tribunal explained that under Article 14 LF-EEA, this provision applied to the "expenses of the conciliation and mediation proceedings, and those of judicial proceedings and enforcement proceedings conducted at Canton and Federal level", requiring "no charge whatsoever [...] for the applicant".

It pointed out that in the event of dismissal of the return application, "the applicant [might] not be held liable to pay procedural costs for the other party unless the State of which he or she [was] a national [had] made a reservation to that effect", which was the case of neither Italy nor Switzerland.

It pointed out that, on the other hand, if the application was granted and the return ordered, payment of all the necessary expenses incurred by the applicant or in the latter's name could be charged to the parent having removed the child (and in particular travel and representation expenses, and expenses relating to location and return of the child).

The Tribunal observed that in the case in point, the mother had complied with the pleadings entered by the father (or at least with the order dated January 2012 of the Italian Court having suspended the mother's application for permission to transfer her residence abroad with her children) before the Swiss authorities had ruled on the return.

The father had accordingly prevailed in practice. It observed that the Canton Court had taken into account the brief duration of proceedings, and ruled that the mother should not bear the father's travel expenses as they were connected with a hearing postponement for which she was not responsible. The Tribunal accordingly dismissed the  appeal.

It added that in accordance with Article 26(2) and (3), no court costs were collected before the Federal Tribunal, and there were no grounds for the award to the father, who had not been invited to enter an appearance, of an indemnity for costs in the federal proceedings (Art. 26(4)).

Author of the summary: Aude Fiorini

INCADAT comment


Preparation of INCADAT commentary in progress.