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Case Name

Ferrari v. Romania (Application No 1714/10)

INCADAT reference

HC/E/RO 1354



European Court of Human Rights


European Court of Human Rights (ECrtHR)


Josep Casadevall (President); Luis López Guerra, Ján Šikuta, Dragoljub Popović, Kristina Pardalos, Valeriu Griţco, Iulia Antoanella Motoc (judges); Stephen Phillips (Section Registrar)

States involved

Requesting State


Requested State




28 April 2015




European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)


ECrtHR - Violation of Article 8 ECHR, award of damages

HC article(s) Considered

3 12

HC article(s) Relied Upon


Other provisions

Article 8 ECHR 

Authorities | Cases referred to

Guerra and Others v. Italy (Application No 116/1996/735/932); Schwizgebel v. Switzerland (Application No 25762/07); Karrer v. Romania (Application No 16965/10) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/1149]; Monory v. Hungary & Romania (Application No 71099/01) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/802]; Iosub Caras v. Romania (Application No 7198/04) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/867]; Maumousseau and Washington v. France (Application No 39388/05) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/942]; Gnahoré v. France (Application No 40031/98); X v. Latvia (Application No 27853/09) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/1234]; Ignaccolo-Zenide v. Romania (Application No 31679/96) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/336]; Tiemann v. France and Germany (Application Nos 47457/99 and 47458/99); Neulinger and Shuruk v. Switzerland (Application No 41615/07) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/1323]; Blaga v. Romania (Application No 54443/10) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/1274]; Shaw v. Hungary (Application No 6457/09) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/1150]; Mitrea v. Romania (Application No 26105/03); Popov v. Moldova (Application No 19960/04); H. v. the United Kingdom (Application No 9580/81); Strömblad v. Sweden (Application No 3684/07) [INCADAT Reference HC/E/1151]


Synopsis available in EN | FR

1 child wrongfully retained at age 2 – Married parents – Father national of Argentina – Mother national of Romania and Argentina – Joint custody – Child lived in Argentina until September 2006 and in Cyprus (for a UN mission) until March 2007 – Application for return filed with the Central Authority of Argentina on 4 December 2007 – Return ordered, subsequently quashed at extraordinary appeal before application to ECtHR on 21 December 2009 – Violation of Art. 8 ECHR – EUR 7,500 awarded in damages – The lack of expeditious enforcement of the final return order and the subsequent decision to quash this order in the extraordinary appeal, on the basis of irrelevant, unjustified and insufficient reasons, formed a violation of Article 8 

Un enfant retenu illicitement à l’âge de deux ans – Parents mariés – Père ressortissant argentin – Mère ressortissante de Roumanie et d’Argentine – Exercice conjoint du droit de garde – Enfant résident en Argentine jusqu’en septembre 2006 et à Chypre (dans le cadre d’une mission de l’ONU) jusqu’en mars 2007 – Demande de retour déposée auprès de l’Autorité centrale argentine le 4 décembre 2007 – Retour ordonné, puis annulé dans le cadre d’un appel extraordinaire avant le dépôt d’un recours auprès de la CrEDH le 21 décembre 2009 – Violation de l’art. 8 de la CEDH – 7 500 € de dommages et intérêts – L’absence d’exécution rapide de la décision définitive de retour et la décision subséquente de l’annuler dans le cadre d’un appel extraordinaire pour des motifs sans objet, infondés et insuffisants, équivalent à une violation de l’art. 8


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